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the Gold and Silver Gorge

This is an important ecological economic tourist zone in Linjiang City in recent years. In this area there are beautiful waters and mysterious hills. The prodigious skill of the nature decorate the scenery more graceful and colorful. During the golden holiday every year, it attracts the tourists all over the country.

It is located in Wei Sha River Town, 28km from the downtown of Linjiang. Yalu River is the frontier of China and North Korea. In this area, there is excellent scenery with the green waters, verdant hills, and steep cliffs. It is also wealthy in mandarin fish, hemibarbus labeo, and so on. It not only has nice natural ecological environment, but also unique human landscape, it is really a tourist resort with beautiful waters, hills and scenery. The current is quiet and graceful and the stream is enchanting, and there stand weird rocks. The bell of Fayin Temple sounds melodious, just like immerging in dreamland, and the hierarch sermons. In this Paradise on the Yalu River, the song “ Let us shake pair oars, and shove the wave, the cool wind blows us head-on.” in summer, which recalls our childhood. Luxurious passenger lines strolls us between Linjiang and Jiaan, and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the coast. It is a world of ice and snow in winter, there are many interesting items such as sled pulled by dogs, motor in snowfield, and so on.

葦沙河鎮(zhèn):一、地理位置: 葦沙河鎮(zhèn)位于臨江市西南部,云峰庫(kù)區(qū)中上游,鎮(zhèn)政府距市政府駐地27公里,東經(jīng)126°33′至126°48′ ,北緯41°40′至41°52′,東與大栗子鎮(zhèn)相連,西與八道江區(qū)接壤,北與花山鎮(zhèn)及江源縣毗鄰,南與鴨綠江為界,與朝鮮民主主義共和國(guó)茲江道中江郡長(zhǎng)城里,土城里隔水相望。東西相距21.4公里,南北相距21.9公里,全鎮(zhèn)總幅員面積268平…… 葦沙河鎮(zhèn)詳細(xì)信息++
